
Native Learning Center – Virtual Training: Financial Wellness Part 1 and 2

Virtual Event

Financial Wellness is the balance between having a healthy state of well-being today, while preparing financially for tomorrow. This is not necessarily about being wealthy, but is a state of psychological well-being in which one feels they have control over their current finances and their financial future. In this course, we will be guiding you […]

Native Learning Center – Grants Management Workshop

Virtual Event

October 15 at 1:00 pm - 3:30 pm Eastern Register Grants Management encompasses the processes and administrative work that happens throughout the federal grant award lifecycle. This includes setting up for efficient and effective operation, self-monitoring and enforcement of compliance, procurement and financial accuracy, internal controls with policies and procedures, proper disbursement of funds, and […]

5th Annual Seminole Tribe of Florida Renewable Energy and Sustainability Conference

February 7-9 Hollywood, Florida Event webpage This hybrid onsite and virtual conference will focus on the newly changing landscape for tribal energy development and sustainability, including best practices, federal leadership, policy and regulatory changes, project funding, and project planning/development trends.

Native Learning Center Webinar | The Power of Native Energy: Financing Native District Energy

Virtual Event

March 23 at 2:00 pm - 3:30 pm Eastern Register Financing the entirety of a Tribal Nations energy security on a reservation can be achieved like the financing of district energy on a university campus. This is one effective way to use DOE’s Tribal Energy Financing Program to further a Tribal Nation’s energy sovereignty. This […]

Native Learning Center Webinar – Business Idea Generation Workshop

Virtual Event

May 2, 2023 at 2:00 pm - 3:30 pm Eastern Register Have you wanted to start a business but don’t know where to start? You see others starting your business and said I wish I would have thought of that? Let’s help you get some of your own business ideas. In this webinar, we will help you […]

6th Annual Seminole Tribe of Florida Renewable Energy & Sustainability Conference

February 6-8, 2024 The 6th Annual Seminole Tribe of Florida Renewable Energy and Sustainability Conference will focus on the newly changing landscape for Tribal energy development and sustainability, including best practices, federal leadership, policy and regulatory changes, funding a project, and project planning/development trends. The Conference will give Tribes and First Nations an opportunity to […]

Emergency Management Training for Tribal Housing

Native Learning Center 6365 Taft Street, Hollywood

November 18-22, 2024 Native Learning Center 6365 Taft Street, Hollywood, FL Register This FREE five-day course will maintain an eight-hour training day format, inclusive of breaks to ensure trainee engagement and content retention. Each day’s sessions will build upon the previous lessons, culminating in a realistic, scenario-driven tabletop exercise on the last day. The goal […]