
Calendar of Events

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0 events,

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1 event,

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2 events,


Native American Graves Protection and Repatriation Review Committee virtual Meeting

1 event,


AAIA NAGPRA Regulations Rulemaking Preparation for Consultations

0 events,

0 events,

2 events,


CDC Response All-STLT Update Call

OMB Tribal Briefing

8 events,

IHS Director’s Advisory Workgroup on Tribal Consultation Hybrid Meeting


USET Webinar: Being Aware: PFAS, the Emerging Contaminant


MBDA Pre-Application Webinar: The Capital Readiness Program


NASA Tribal Listening Session

3 events,


DOI Tribal Leaders consultation on Proposed Rule to NAGRPA


DOI Non-BIA Programs List Eigible for SG Funding Agreements (Jan 2023) Consultation

2 events,

DOI Tribal Consultation on NPRM for the Department’s Land Acquisition regulations, 25 C.F .R. Part 151, and the NPRM for the Department’s Class III Tribal State Gaming Compact Process, 25 C.F.R. Part 293

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0 events,

1 event,

Martin Luther King, Jr. Day

6 events,


U.S. Department of State | Roundtable Discussion for US Engagement at UN Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues

Department of Homeland Security External Tribal Quarterly Meeting

NIHB and CDC Electronic Case Reporting for Tribal Nations Pre-Application Webinar

1 event,


Webinar: RSV in Schools and Child Care Settings

3 events,


Department of Veterans Affairs Virtual Rural Veterans Symposium


DOI Tribal Consultation on NPRM for the Department’s Land Acquisition regulations, 25 C.F .R. Part 151, and the NPRM for the Department’s Class III Tribal State Gaming Compact Process, 25 C.F.R. Part 293

3 events,


USET Infectious Disease ECHO

DOI Non-BIA Programs List Eigible for SG Funding Agreements (Jan 2023) Consultation

NIHB and CDC Strong Systems, Stronger Communities (SSSC) Pre-Application Webinar

0 events,

0 events,

0 events,

7 events,

Office of Violence Against Women Free Conference on Indigenous Sex Trafficking


Reclaiming Native Psychological Brilliance: Wise Practices, a Tribal Behavioral Health ECHO Clinic

AIANTA Webinar: Hidden Treasures Amazing Collections and Resources at the Indian Arts and Craft Board Museums

Rural Utilities Service Inflation Reduction Act Round Tables

9 events,


Tribal Health Program Support virtual Gathering Circle

ILTF Webinar: Understanding the Proposed Fee-to-Trust Regulations

4 events,


NCAI Webinars: organize and manage business finances

2 events,

Tribal Consultation on the National Nature Assessment

Commission on Native Children for a Virtual Hearing on Wellness and Unintentional Injury Prevention

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0 events,

3 events,


Healthy Native North Carolinians Gathering


“A SANE Approach to Human Trafficking Cases” Online Training Opportunity


DOI Tribal Consultation on NPRM for the Department’s Land Acquisition regulations, 25 C.F .R. Part 151, and the NPRM for the Department’s Class III Tribal State Gaming Compact Process, 25 C.F.R. Part 293

4 events,


Tribal Listening Session on HHS Initiative to Strengthen Primary Health Care

5 events,


Census Bureau Listening Session


Center for Indigenous Innovation and Health Equity (CIIHE) TAC Meeting

American Indian College Fund’s Scholarship Kick-Off Event

4 events,

HHS Bi-Weekly Briefing on Monkeypox


Administration for Children and Families’ Indian Child Welfare Act Webinar

1 event,


NFBC Farm Bill Policy Update Webinar

0 events,