
USET Water Distribution Operator ABC Class I Certification Course

Virtual Event

USET Water Distribution Operator ABC Class I Certification Course Session participants will learn regulations, operator math and chemistry, and specific distribution processes in detail. Other chapters cover water use and system design, water mains, hydrants and valves, water system supply, security and public relations. The course will closely follow the “Need to Know” criteria to […]

2021 National Tribal Broadband Summit

Virtual Event

This September, the Department of the Interior (DOI), in collaboration with the Department of Commerce, Department of Agriculture, Department of Transportation, the Federal Communications Commission, the Institute of Museum and Library Services and the White House Council for Native American Affairs, will convene tribal broadband industry experts to discuss how to make the most use […]

Long Island Indigenous Perspective Paddle Tour

Moskehtu Consulting Presents “Long Island Indigenous Perspective Paddle Tour. at Conscience Point hosted by the Southampton History Museum with special guests from Native Like Water. This will be the very last canoe tour of the year. On September 18th join a paddle tour guided by Chenae Bullock who will cover oral Indigenous history, Indigenous plant identification, indigenous life-ways, and Indigenous […]

2021 National Minority Enterprise Development Week Virtual Conference

Virtual Event

The U.S. Department of Commerce, Minority Business Development Agency (MBDA) invites you to register for the 2021 National Minority Enterprise Development Week (MED Week), September 19 – 25, 2021. The conference celebrates the outstanding accomplishments of minority-owned companies and presents informational sessions and programming; offering interactive networking sessions to generate new connections and fresh perspectives. […]

Virtual Food Sovereignty Symposium Sampler

Virtual Event

Virtual Food Sovereignty Symposium Sampler Host: National Science Foundation Time: September 20-21 Register Message below from InterTribal Agriculture Council: Build and Broaden Indigenous Food Sovereignty Symposium & Festival Postpones Due to increasing pandemic numbers, the Food Sovereignty Symposium & Festival scheduled for September 19-21 is being postponed until late spring 2022. The decision was made after significant […]

USET Water Distribution Operator ABC Class I Certification Course

Virtual Event

USET Water Distribution Operator ABC Class I Certification Course Session participants will learn regulations, operator math and chemistry, and specific distribution processes in detail. Other chapters cover water use and system design, water mains, hydrants and valves, water system supply, security and public relations. The course will closely follow the “Need to Know” criteria to […]

Laboratory Analysts Certification Course – ABC Class I

The USET Water Laboratory Analyst Certification Level I course will cover the most important and commonly performed job tasks and capabilities for water laboratory analysts. The course will closely follow the “Need to Know” criteria to pass the ABC Class I certification exam. The course will begin on Tuesday, June 22, 2021 and continue weekly […]

Roundtable Discussion: Tribal Small Business Start Up – Accelerator and Investment Programs

Virtual Event

Monday, September 20 at 2:00 pm - 3:00 pm Central Register Program Overview: The American Rescue Plan Act provides several funding programs to support tribal small business creation as recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic. Tribes can use Fiscal Relief Funds and their SSBCI funding to create accelerator and investment opportunities in tribal small businesses. This […]

HRSA 2021 American Indian/Alaska Native Health Summit – Virtual

Virtual Event

September 21-23, 2021 Join the Health Resources and Services Administration’s (HRSA) Office of Regional Operations (ORO) in Seattle in collaboration with Health and Human Services (HHS) operating divisions and Tribal and Urban Indian Organizations in Region 10 for the 2021 American Indian/ Alaska Native (AI/AN) multidisciplinary health summit. The summit will focus on promising practices […]

Wastewater Treatment Operator Certification Course – ABC Class I

The USET Wastewater Treatment Operator Certification Level I course will cover the most important and commonly performed job tasks and capabilities for Wastewater Treatment Operators. The course will closely follow the “Need to Know” criteria to pass the ABC Class I certification exam. The course will begin on  June 9, 2021 and continue weekly until […]

Senate Committee on Energy and Natural Resources Hearing to Consider Various Nominations for the Department of the Interior

Virtual Event

September 21 at 10:00 am Eastern Senate Committee on Energy and Natural Resources Hearing to Consider Various Nominations for the Department of the Interior M. Camille Calimlim Touton for Commissioner of Reclamation Laura Daniel-Davis for Assistant Secretary for Land and Minerals Management Sara C. Bronin for Chair of the Advisory Council on Historic Preservation