
InterTribal Transportation Association Mid-Year Meeting

InterTribal Transportation Association Mid-Year Meeting Virtual The mission of the Intertribal Transportation Association is to help Tribal Elected Leadership address tribal transportation concerns, issues, needs, programs, and policies to assist […]

HHS Tribal Consultation – Region 4

Virtual Event

HHS would like to continue discussions regarding strengthening its Tribal Consultation Policy pursuant to the Presidential Memorandum on Tribal Consultation and Strengthening Nation-to-Nation Relationships. According to the DTLL, a special […]

Tribal-Interior Budget Council Meeting

Virtual Event

This is the rescheduled May meeting. You do not need to re-register and the entire schedule is the same as before, but moved to this week. Wednesday, June 9 12:00-1:00 […]

Webinar with USDA Secretary Vilsack

You’re Invited to a Webinar with USDA Secretary Vilsack to Discuss The Build Back Better Initiative to Transform the Food System Wednesday, June 9, 3:00-3:30pm Eastern Limited Seats. Register in […]

400 Years of Wampanoag History (Virtual Event)

Virtual Event

The True Cost of Colonization: American History from an Indigenous Perspective Paula Peters is a scholar and a politically, socially, and culturally active member of the Mashpee Wampanoag Tribe. She’ll […]