
Pre-Conference Meetings: NCAI Mid-Year Conference

Virtual Event

Native Languages Task Force Tuesday, June 15, 2021, at 3:30 p.m. EDT Developments in Native languages have taken place at the tribal, state, and federal policy levels. Tribal Nations are […]

Dept of Interior Buy Indian Act Webinar Consultation Sessions

The Buy Indian Act provides Indian Affairs with the authority to set aside procurement contracts for qualified Indian-owned businesses, known as "Indian Economic Enterprises." Regulations implementing the Act have been […]

IHS Health IT Modernization Next Steps Listening Session

Thursday, June 17, 2021 1:00-4:00 p.m. Eastern Time Attendees must register for the Listening Session in advance through the link below, using the Zoom web conferencing platform. After registering, attendees will receive […]

NCAI Mid-Year Conference 16th Annual Tribal Leader/Scholar Forum

Virtual Event

The NCAI Policy Research Center’s Tribal Leader/Scholar Forum provides an opportunity for researchers, practitioners, community members, and others to present their findings to tribal leaders, policymakers, and tribal members. The […]

Annual Native CDFI Capital Access Convening

Virtual Event

Annual Native CDFI Capital Access Convening for a Conversation on the User-Friendly High Tech for Reaching Low-Tech Communities Oweesta Corporation invites you to join them virtually at the 6th Annual […]