
NCAI Mid-Year Conference 16th Annual Tribal Leader/Scholar Forum

Virtual Event

The NCAI Policy Research Center’s Tribal Leader/Scholar Forum provides an opportunity for researchers, practitioners, community members, and others to present their findings to tribal leaders, policymakers, and tribal members. The […]

Annual Native CDFI Capital Access Convening

Virtual Event

Annual Native CDFI Capital Access Convening for a Conversation on the User-Friendly High Tech for Reaching Low-Tech Communities Oweesta Corporation invites you to join them virtually at the 6th Annual […]

HHS Tribal Consultation – Region 2

HHS would like to continue discussions regarding strengthening its Tribal Consultation Policy pursuant to the Presidential Memorandum on Tribal Consultation and Strengthening Nation-to-Nation Relationships. According to the DTLL, a special […]

Webinar: The Excitement of Indian Relay Horse Racing

As one of America’s oldest known sporting competitions, Indian Relay dates back more than 400 years to when the horse was first re-introduced to the native cultures of the Americas. […]

Laboratory Analysts Certification Course – ABC Class I

The USET Water Laboratory Analyst Certification Level I course will cover the most important and commonly performed job tasks and capabilities for water laboratory analysts. The course will closely follow […]