
Laboratory Analysts Certification Course – ABC Class I

The USET Water Laboratory Analyst Certification Level I course will cover the most important and commonly performed job tasks and capabilities for water laboratory analysts. The course will closely follow the “Need to Know” criteria to pass the ABC Class I certification exam. The course will begin on Tuesday, June 22, 2021 and continue weekly […]

Wastewater Treatment Operator Certification Course – ABC Class I

The USET Wastewater Treatment Operator Certification Level I course will cover the most important and commonly performed job tasks and capabilities for Wastewater Treatment Operators. The course will closely follow the “Need to Know” criteria to pass the ABC Class I certification exam. The course will begin on  June 9, 2021 and continue weekly until […]

Legislative Hearing on H.R. 442 and H.R. 3469

House Natural Resources Subcommittee on Indigenous Peoples of the United States Tuesday July 20, 2021 (12:00 PM EDT)

Seven Directions Indigenous Public Health Institute – Data Infrastructure and Tools for Consideration in Tribal Opioid Overdose Prevention Approaches

Tuesday, July 20, 2021 10 am Pacific / 11 am Mountain / 12 pm Central / 1 pm Eastern Dr. Kevin English, Director of the Albuquerque Area Southwest Tribal Epidemiology Center, will provide insights into developing an equitable and sustainable data infrastructure in opioid use disorder (OUD) programming. This session will discuss challenges to data […]

Touchstones of Hope Dialogue: Holistic Approach

Virtual Event

Join NICWA and the First Nations Child & Family Caring Society of Canada as we discuss the Touchstones of Hope, a movement to redesign services, including child welfare services, for Indigenous children and families to embed Indigenous ways of caring for children and families into child welfare systems, policies, and practices. On July 20, at 10:00–11:30 a.m. […]

ECHO Clinic: Virtual Care Implementation

Virtual Event

This ECHO clinic is designed to support I/T/U clinicians and administrators in implementing and overcoming common challenges associated with virtual care programs, such as apps that support healthy behaviors, telemedicine, and remote patient monitoring. Date/Time: 3rd Tuesday of the month, 12:00 - 1:00 PM PT To Join Simply click on this Zoom link 5 minutes […]

National Native Harm Reduction Summit

The Annual Native Harm Reduction Summit provides an opportunity to work together at the intersection of racial equity, health equity, and social justice as they relate to hepatitis C, HIV, and drug use in Tribal, urban indian, and rural communities. In prior years our Summit participants have included: Tribal and allied health care and behavioral […]

Hearings to examine S.1797, to amend the Indian Health Care Improvement Act to expand the funding authority for renovating, constructing, and expanding certain facilities, S.1895, to require the Secretary of Health and Human Services to award additional funding through the Sanitation Facilities Construction Program of the Indian Health Service, and H.R.1688, to amend the Indian Child Protection and Family Violence Prevention Act.

Senate Committee on Indian Affairs Wednesday July 21, 2021 (2:30 PM EDT) 628 Dirksen Senate Office Building, Washington, DC Supporting Documentation H.R.1688, Native American Child Protection Act S.1797, Urban Indian Health Providers Facilities Improvement Act S.1895, A bill to require the Secretary of Health and Human Services to award additional funding through the Sanitation […]

Tribal Broadband Connectivity Program Webinars

Virtual Event

Join the National Telecommunications and Information Administration (NTIA) tribal broadband specialist team on July 21 and July 22, 2021, to hear more about the Tribal Broadband Connectivity Program (TBCP). The TBCP makes grants available to eligible entities, which include a Tribal Government, a Tribal College or University, the Department of Hawaiian Home Lands on behalf […]

Wastewater Treatment Operator Certification Course – ABC Class I

The USET Wastewater Treatment Operator Certification Level I course will cover the most important and commonly performed job tasks and capabilities for Wastewater Treatment Operators. The course will closely follow the “Need to Know” criteria to pass the ABC Class I certification exam. The course will begin on  June 9, 2021 and continue weekly until […]

USET Water Distribution Operator ABC Class I Certification Course

Virtual Event

USET Water Distribution Operator ABC Class I Certification Course Session participants will learn regulations, operator math and chemistry, and specific distribution processes in detail. Other chapters cover water use and system design, water mains, hydrants and valves, water system supply, security and public relations. The course will closely follow the “Need to Know” criteria to […]

Laboratory Analysts Certification Course – ABC Class I

The USET Water Laboratory Analyst Certification Level I course will cover the most important and commonly performed job tasks and capabilities for water laboratory analysts. The course will closely follow the “Need to Know” criteria to pass the ABC Class I certification exam. The course will begin on Tuesday, June 22, 2021 and continue weekly […]