
IRS Office Hours | IRA/CHIPS Pre-filling Registration Tool

Virtual Event

The IRS is offering office hours (through Microsoft Teams) to help entities with the pre-filing registration process on the new IRA/CHIPS Pre-filing Registration Tool. Pre-filing registration is a required step for […]

Tribal Leadership Academy

August 4-10, 2024 Dartmouth College Travel & Attendance Scholarships are Available Dartmouth College is launching a Tribal Leadership Academy (TLA) August 4-10, 2024. The TLA will provide a place for newly […]

28th Biannual CDC/ATSDR TAC Meeting

Hybrid Event TN

Dear Colleague: On behalf of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and the Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry (CDC/ATSDR), I invite you to the 28th Biannual CDC/ATSDR […]