
USET Hepatitis C Project ECHO Clinic

Virtual Event

USET Hepatitis C Project ECHO Clinic presented by USET Tribal Health Program Support The one-hour virtual clinics allow for primary care clinicians to collaborate with a team of specialists to […]

Boston Premiere of Bounty Film

Bounty reveals the hidden story of the Phips Proclamation, one of many scalp-bounty proclamations used to exterminate Native people in order to take their land in what is now New […]

Living with HIV during the COVID-19 Pandemic and Beyond

Virtual Event

This webinar will focus on COVID-19 prevention for those living with HIV as well as vaccination and boosters. Tribal communities and Tribal citizens living with HIV may have concerns and […]

USET THPS hosts Healthy Buildings, Now and in the Future

Virtual Event

Healthy Buildings, Now and in the Future hosted by USET Tribal Health Program Support Alongside masking, vaccination, physical distancing, and sanitation, improving indoor air quality through ventilation and filtration is […]