
USET THPS hosts Healthy Buildings, Now and in the Future

Virtual Event

Healthy Buildings, Now and in the Future hosted by USET Tribal Health Program Support Alongside masking, vaccination, physical distancing, and sanitation, improving indoor air quality through ventilation and filtration is […]

Rights of Nature & Tribal Sovereignty Workshop

Virtual Event

Bioneers presents Rights of Nature & Tribal Sovereignty Workshop with Mashpee Wampanoag and Ho-Chunk led discussions. The workshop, held April 15 from 11:00 AM to 2:00 PM, focus on how […]

Kids Week at the Pequot Museum

Kids Week at the Pequot Museum! Families and friends are invited to join the Pequot Museum for a week of native crafts, fun and edu-tainment. EVERYONE WELCOME! Each day they […]