
HHS Annual Regional Tribal Consultations: Region 4

123 Easy Street, Nashville

Dear Tribal Leader: I write to invite you to the 2024 Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) Annual Regional Tribal Consultations that will be held across the country. The […]

IRS Office Hours | IRA/CHIPS Pre-filling Registration Tool

Virtual Event

The IRS is offering office hours (through Microsoft Teams) to help entities with the pre-filing registration process on the new IRA/CHIPS Pre-filing Registration Tool. Pre-filing registration is a required step for […]

APHIS Information for Applicants: FY 2025 NADPRP Funding Opportunity

Virtual Event

Thursday, August 15 at 12:00 PM – 1:00 PM ET To participate, join the conference from your computer at: Join ZoomGov Meeting Meeting ID: 161 562 4267 Passcode: 381331 Phone […]