
Calendar of Events

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0 events,

2 events,


ASPE Tribal Consultation on the 2023 HHS Equity Action Plan Update

4 events,

Contract Support Cost Training

DOI/BIA Training | NPM-TRUS-44 A2: Streamlining the ROW & Business Lease Application Processes for Federally Funded Tribal Broadband Infrastructure Projects


Department of Education Tribal Consultation on FY 26 Budget Priorities


DOI Consultation on the the development of the Scientific Integrity Policy.

2 events,


IRS Office Hours | Assist with IRA/CHIPS Pre-filing Registration Tool

1 event,


Rural Transit Resources: Building Capacity and Resilience in Rural and Tribal Communities

0 events,

0 events,

0 events,

3 events,

2024 Tribal Assistance Coordination Group Conference

APHIS Tribal Training on the Chronic Wasting Disease funding opportunity.


Department of Homeland Security’s Tribal Government Affairs Virtual Consultation on the Immigration and Naturalization Act

3 events,


FEMA Tribal Listening Sessions and Consultation on the Tribal Consultation Policy

Department of Treasury Webinar: SLFRF New Obligation IFR FAQ’s

2 events,


IRS Office Hours | Assist with IRA/CHIPS Pre-filing Registration Tool

3 events,


FEMP and Office of Indian Energy Office Hours


IHS Tribal Consultation on Health Information Technology (IT) Modernization Program – Deployment and Cohort Planning

2 events,


Department of Homeland Security’s Tribal Government Affairs Virtual Consultation on the Immigration and Naturalization Act

0 events,

0 events,

0 events,

3 events,

National Tribal Road Maintenance Symposium

FCC Tribal Consultation and Workshop


DOI, HHS, DOJ Tribal Consultation on the ICWA

8 events,

HHS/DOI Small Business Industry Day and Buy Indian Virtual Matchmaking


2024 National Asian American, Native Hawaiian, and Pacific Islander Business Summit

Treasury Tribal Advisory Committee Meeting


Coordinated Interagency Transmission Authorization and Permits Webinar

3 events,


Monthly CDFI Certification Conference Calls

2 events,

Minority Business Development Agency Tribal Consultation


Treasury Department Tribal Consultation on a Notice of Proposed Rulemaking (NPRM) entitled “Long-Term, Part-Time Employee Rules for Cash or Deferred Arrangements Under Section 401(k)”

0 events,

0 events,

2 events,


HRSA Annual Tribal Consultation

APHIS Tribal Training on the Chronic Wasting Disease funding opportunity.

2 events,


Social Security Administration Benefit Coordinator (appointed rep vs power of attorney) Training


Webinar with Treasury on Elective Pay Final Regulations

4 events,


Broadband Technical Assistance: Preparing to Apply


Social Security Administration Benefit Coordinator (appointed rep vs power of attorney) Training

3 events,


Department of Homeland Security’s Tribal Government Affairs Virtual Consultation on the Immigration and Naturalization Act

Introduction to the NSF Engines Funding Opportunity Webinar


FEMA Tribal Listening Sessions and Consultation on the Tribal Consultation Policy

0 events,

0 events,

0 events,

0 events,

3 events,


Rural Clean Energy Federal Funding Fair


FEMA Tribal Listening Sessions and Consultation on the Tribal Consultation Policy


HHS Briefing for Tribal Communities on Syphilis and Congenital Syphilis

3 events,

CMS Health Equity Conference

ONTL and Wildlife Services Tribal Webinar on the Rabies Program


Forest Service and First Nations Development Institute virtual office hours

2 events,

HHS Annual Regional Tribal Consultations: Region 2

0 events,

0 events,