
Calendar of Events

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1 event,

EPA Potential Revisions to the Drinking Water Infrastructure Grant Tribal Set-Aside Allocation Formula

1 event,


Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) Tribal Technical Advisory Group (TTAG) Face-to-Face Virtual Meeting

1 event,


March All Tribal and Urban Indian Organizations Call

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2 events,


USDA APHIS ezFedGrant (eFG) webinar series

Environmental Protection Agency to Host Tribal Listening Session on Draft Lead Strategy

2 events,


Tribal Leaders Diabetes Committee Virtual Meeting

USDA Office of External & Intergovernmental Affairs (EIA) Monthly Stakeholders Call

5 events,


Bureau of Indian Education Advisory Board to Host Meeting on Special Education Program

Tribal Webinar: “Overview of APHIS’ Biotechnology Regulatory Services”

4 events,


Tribal Consultation on IHS Health Information Technology (HIT) Modernization

Veterans Health Administration Office of Tribal Government Relations to Host Webinar on Health Asset and Infrastructure Review


Virtual Consultation: Executive Order on Improving Public Safety and Criminal Justice for Native Americans and Addressing the Crises of Missing and Murdered Indigenous People

2 events,


Virtual Consultation: Executive Order on Improving Public Safety and Criminal Justice for Native Americans and Addressing the Crises of Missing and Murdered Indigenous People


Tribal Consultation on Executive Order (E.0.) 14053-lmproving Public Safety and Criminal Justice for Native Americans and Addressing the Crisis of Missing or Murdered Indigenous People

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1 event,

Tribal Aviation Symposium

2 events,


IHS National Tribal Advisory Committee on Behavioral Health Virtual Meeting


DOJ Consultation: Meeting the Public Safety Needs of Tribal Communities

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IHS DSTAC Monthly March Call


DOJ Consultation: Meeting the Public Safety Needs of Tribal Communities

1 event,


Tribal Consultation on the broadband monies allocated by the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act

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3 events,


OIE virtual Listening Session: Identifying Social, Emotional, and Mental Health Needs: Realities and Needs


DOI Tribal Consultations on the Removal of Derogatory and Offensive Names from Federal Usage


DOI Derogatory & Offensive Names Consultations

4 events,


OIE Virtual Listening Session – ligning Indian Parent Committee Needs To Efficient and Effective Supports: Learning from Vetted Practices to Resolve Barriers

USDA’s Office of External & Intergovernmental Affairs National Agriculture Day Celebration


DOI Derogatory & Offensive Names Consultations

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DOI Derogatory & Offensive Names Consultations


DOI Tribal Consultations on the Removal of Derogatory and Offensive Names from Federal Usage

Department of Veterans Affairs Consultation on Tribal Representation Expansion Project

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2 events,

USDA to Host Tribal Consultations on Food Distribution Program on Indian Reservations

3 events,

Department of Veterans Affairs Consultation on Tribal Representation Expansion Project

Coffee Hour with SAMHSA’s Office of Tribal Affairs and Policy (OTAP) and the Center for Mental Health Services (CMHS)

1 event,


DOI Tribal Consultation on FY 2022-2026 Strategic Plan

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