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Tribal Law & Policy Institute | Identifying and Responding to Stalking: Know More, Do More

July 9 @ 12:00 pm CDT

July 9 at 12:00 pm Central

Stalking, a crime now covered under VAWA 2022 Special Tribal Criminal Jurisdiction, will be discussed by Natalie Ivey from the Stalking, Prevention, Awareness, and Resource Center (SPARC), an Aequitas initiative. Stalking is a prevalent, dangerous, and often misunderstood crime. This session explores the dynamics of stalking, focusing on the highly contextual nature of the crime by discussing common tactics used by perpetrators, stalking’s co-occurrence with domestic and sexual violence as well as tools to plan for victim safety and hold offenders accountable. Presenter Natalie Ivey (JD) is a Training and Criminal Justice Specialist for the Stalking, Prevention, Awareness, and Resource Center (SPARC), an Aequitas initiative.


  • Identify stalking behaviors and dynamics
  • Recognize the intersection of stalking with other crimes
  • Apply strategies for working with victims of stalking


July 9
12:00 pm CDT
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