
Tribal Consultation on IHS Health Information Technology (HIT) Modernization
August 2, 2022 @ 1:00 pm - 2:30 pm CDT
As part of their ongoing Tribal Consultation and Urban Confer concerning Indian Health Service (IHS) Health Information Technology (HIT) Modernization, IHS invites you to join a virtual Tribal Consultation and Urban Confer session on Thursday, March 10, 2022.
During this event the IHS will provide a status update on the acquisition process for solutions to replace the Resource and Patient Management System. We will also discuss opportunities for Tribes and Urban Indian Organizations to participate in HIT Modernization governance by contributing expertise to focus groups whose members will inform key aspects of the overall modernization approach.
The HIT Modernization Program will convene focus groups comprised of IHS, Tribal, and Urban Indian Organization subject matter experts with detailed knowledge of the impacts and benefits that HIT Modernization will bring to Indian Country. Participants in the focus groups will provide individual input on best approaches for ensuring the most effective implementation, interoperability, and data management in support of improved health care services and outcomes. The duration for each focus group is expected to be 12-18 months, with meetings approximately every 2 months.
Additional information on these focus groups and the process for submitting names of subject matter experts for participation will be presented during the Tribal Consultation and Urban Confer session. Attendees must register for the session in advance through the link below. After registering, attendees will receive an e-mail with a link to the web conference and audio call-in numbers. Please register and join this session as follows:
Topic: IHS Health Information Technology Modernization Acquisition Status and Introduction to Modernization Focus Groups
Date: Thursday, March 10, 2022 Time: 2:00 p.m. – 3:30 p.m. (Eastern Time)
Registration link:
Please join 10 minutes early to troubleshoot any audio or video issues.
You are invited to submit written comments on HIT Modernization following the March 10, 2022, session by E-MAIL to or, respectively. Please use the SUBJECT LINE: HIT Modernization. Please provide written comments by April 10, 2022.
In addition to the session described above, the IHS is planning three additional HIT Modernization Tribal Consultation and Urban Confer sessions in 2022.
Please mark your calendar for the following dates:
Health Information Technology Modernization Governance
Date: Tuesday, May 3, 2022
Time: 2:00 p.m. – 3:30 p.m. (Eastern Time)
Registration Link
Health Information Technology Modernization Data Management Strategy
Date: Tuesday, August 2, 2022
Time: 2:00 p.m. – 3:30 p.m. (Eastern Time)
Registration Link
Health Information Technology Modernization Implementation Deployment Plan
Date: Tuesday, November 1, 2022
Time: 2:00 p.m. – 3:30 p.m. (Eastern Time)
Registration Link
If you have questions, please contact Mr. Mitchell Thornbrugh, Chief Information Officer, IHS, by telephone at (240) 620-3117, or by e-mail at