Climate Change


Created in 2017, the USET Climate Change Resilience Program assists Tribal Nations with climate change adaptation planning. Through the Tribal Climate Science Liaison, this program also connects Tribal Nations with resources at regional Climate Adaptation Science Centers and other partners to support Tribal adaptation planning and resilience to climate change.

The protection of Tribal lands, waters, and communities from the impacts of climate change is essential to each sovereign Tribal Nation’s physical, spiritual, cultural, and economic well-being. Climate change resilience safeguards critical ecosystems, preserves ecological knowledge, and protects current populations by maintaining healthy and sustainable Tribal homelands for future generations.

This Month's Top News and Stories

The 2024 USET Tribal Climate Resilience Camp was a success!

From June 10 to 14, representatives from Tribal Nations, federal agencies, and Climate Adaptation Science Centers (CASCs) joined USET staff for the 2024 USET Tribal Climate Resilience Camp. Staff and partners with five USET-member Tribal Nations participated in a week of presentations, team building, and breakout sessions to work on a climate resilience project or priority of each group’s choosing.
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Meet the Climate Change Team

The USET Tribal Climate Resilience Program Team is focused on providing Tribal Nations with technical support in their planning efforts toward increasing their community’s resiliency and adaptation to the impacts of climate change.

Climate Change Tools and Resources

Below, access natural resources and climate change related data, tools, and information sources relevant to specific topic areas and/or regions.