\"We Will be Known Forever by the Tracks We Leave\": A Talking Circle on Vaccine Planning
"We Will be Known Forever by the Tracks We Leave": A Talking Circle on Vaccine Planning
September 29, 2021 –
This will be a space for Urban Indian Organizations (UIOs) to ask questions, share best practices, and identify needs based on vaccine planning. The platform will also provide the opportunity for National Council of Urban Indian Health's (NCUIH) subject matter experts to share technical assistance as needed.
1. Review Technical Assistance provided to UIOs on vaccine planning
2. Introduce Subject Matter Experts
3. Overview of Protecting Our Future Through Vaccination Planning and Emergency Preparedness - Storytelling Funded Opportunity
5. Participate in a Talking Circle around vaccine planning needs, assistance, and education
Audience: UIO ED/CEOs, UIO Staff, Stakeholders, Tribal Partners and Tribes