EMS Response to Covid-19
January 19, 2021 –
Please join the National Indian Health Board (NIHB) for a Tribal infection control learning community (TICLC) webinar: EMS Response to COVID-19. This webinar will provide an overview of the best practices for EMS response to COVID-19 and strategies for implementing infection prevention and control measures to protect EMS staff. The COVID response model used by the Pueblo of Laguna Community Health and EMS program will be discussed.
The learning community is focused on knowledge sharing and members are encouraged to share information and build relationships with each other. Please submit questions ahead of time to make sure the presenters can get to them. Come prepared to ask questions or share your own insights and experiences.
Audience: This webinar is open to any interested person, but is likely most relevant to Tribal healthcare personal, Tribal frontline healthcare workers, infection control officers and preventionists, and those who want to learn more about infection prevention and control measures for EMS response personnel.
Note: Continuing education credits will not be offered for this webinar.
**Submit questions in advance to Carmen Sanders at csanders@nihb.org.