April 15, 2022 All day
Program’s Reallocation Methodology Update
On March 30, 2022, Treasury published technical updates to the ERA1 Reallocation Guidance, along with a redlined version showing the updates to the version published on October 4, 2021. This update includes Tribal recapture updates.
As explained in the guidance, each Tribe will be allowed to keep funds from its initial ERA1 award that are unobligated as of June 30, 2022, up to the highest quarterly amount spent on assistance, with the remaining unobligated funds determined to be excess funds and subject to recapture. Treasury will measure unobligated funds and prior quarters’ expenditures based on the Q2 2022 report. Any funds recaptured from Tribes, TDHEs, or the Department of Hawaiian Home Lands will be prioritized for other grantees in that group in the reallocation process. After June 30, 2022, Treasury intends to consider whether additional recapture of unobligated funds, including funds received through reallocation, is appropriate to help ensure that ERA1 funds are used by the statutory deadline.
Tribes that wish to receive reallocated funds may still make requests and receive funds recaptured from state, local, and territorial ERA1 grantees in an earlier round of reallocation. Treasury will provide details on the process for requesting reallocated funds from that round in the coming weeks.
For more information, please visit Treasury's ERA1 website, or email, including your ERA1 grantee number with questions.
Quarterly reporting due April 15, 2022 – Quarter 1 reporting, for the period January 1, 2022 – March 31, 2022, for ERA1 recipients is due. The reporting portal may be accessed using either or