Congressional – Tribal Leader Discussion on Tribal Relief Fund Formula
March 1, 2021 –
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Representative Sharice Davids will join Monday's Congressional & Tribal Leader Discussion hosted by NAFOA and NCAI on a possible formula for distributing the $20 billion Tribal Relief Fund.
The discussion will also include several other House Ways & Means Committee members and will take place this Monday, March 1, 2021 at 1:00 EST.
The Tribal Relief Fund is within the $1.9 trillion reconciliation relief package currently being considered by Congress.
To join, please RSVP by completing this form. A Zoom link will be sent on the morning of the discussion to those who have RSVP'd.
Please RSVP as soon as possible and no later than 11:00 EST on Monday March 1 to ensure you are on the list to receive the Zoom link when it is available.
We encourage tribal leaders to join to ensure that the $20 billion gets appropriately distributed among the eligible tribal recipients.