

For questions or additional support regarding these resources, please email usetepi@usetinc.org.
Learn more about our current technical assistance offerings, and submit a request for technical assistance.

Grant Management Resources

Supporting Tribal Nations to secure sustainable funding streams is an integral part of OTPH. We work with Tribal Nations to develop actionable work plans, evaluation strategies, and budgets (download our template) that allow for successful grant applications. These funding streams allow Tribal Nations to implement innovative, community-based programs to address the most pressing health concerns of their communities.

Learn More About Our Partners

Additional Resources

Educational Videos

OTPH regularly hosts and records trainings and produces educational videos on a variety of health topics. To access these resources, please visit our YouTube channel. To request a training, including a digital storytelling workshop, or educational video on a particular topic, please email usetepi@usetinc.org or submit a request for technical assistance.