Our mission is dedicated to enhancing the development of federally recognized Indian Tribes, to improving the capabilities of Tribal governments, and assisting the USET Members and their governments in dealing effectively with public policy issues and in serving the broad needs of Indian people. If you are looking for a career that is more than just a paycheck and you’re looking for work that matters, we invite you to review our current job opportunities.
Because there is
strength in unity
Our motto grew out of a recognition among our founding member Tribal Nations that some form of unity between themselves would facilitate their dealings with the federal government. As the organization has grown to include 33 diverse member Tribal Nations, the motto continues to serve as the foundation of our work today.

Established in 1969, the United South and Eastern Tribes, Inc. (USET) is a non-profit, inter-Tribal organization serving thirty-three (33) federally recognized Tribal Nations from the Northeastern Woodlands to the Everglades and across the Gulf of Mexico. USET is dedicated to enhancing the development of Tribal Nations, improving the capabilities of Tribal governments, and improving the quality of life for Indian people through a variety of technical and supportive programmatic services.
Established in 2014, the USET Sovereignty Protection Fund (USET SPF) is a non-profit, inter-Tribal organization advocating on behalf of thirty-three (33) federally recognized Tribal Nations from the Northeastern Woodlands to the Everglades and across the Gulf of Mexico. USET SPF is dedicated to promoting, protecting, and advancing the inherent sovereign rights and authorities of Tribal Nations and in assisting its membership in dealing effectively with public policy issues.

We're Hiring!
If you are looking for a career that is more than just a paycheck and you’re looking for work that matters, we invite you to review our current career opportunities.

2025 USET/USET SPF Educational Book
We are excited to announce the release of the third edition of the USET/USET SPF Educational Book! This valuable tool for our overall education and advocacy efforts was first released in 2019 as part of our 50th anniversary celebration. The current edition includes up-to-date information about our member Tribal Nations and our programmatic and advocacy work.

Coalition Website
The coalition website is intended to serve as a centralized home for various resources related to the Trump Administration’s early actions. The site is jointly shared and contributed to by the coalition in the spirit of partnership and unity.

Marshall Plan for Tribal Nations
The concept of a Marshall Plan-like investment for Tribal Nations draws on the same restorative justice, political, and economic principles that underlay the European Marshall Plan. Through a domestic Tribal Nations Marshall Plan, the U.S. would recognize and take responsibility for the trust and treaty obligations arising out of its permanent occupation of Tribal homelands and our massive cession of resources that built the foundations of today’s America.

USET Tribal Infrastructure Development Program
We’re excited to announce the launch of our new Tribal Infrastructure Development Program website! Sign up for our mailing list; find funding opportunities; access advocacy, education, outreach, training, and resource materials; and view a calendar of events, including webinars, trainings, and consultations.

Medicaid Unwinding
CMS posted the anticipated state timelines for initiating unwinding-related renewals as of February 24, 2023. Learn more about Medicaid unwinding.

2025 USET/USET SPF Educational Book
We are excited to announce the release of the third edition of the USET/USET SPF Educational Book! This valuable tool for our overall education and advocacy efforts was first released in 2019 as part of our 50th anniversary celebration. The current edition includes up-to-date information about our member Tribal Nations and our programmatic and advocacy work.

Coalition Website
The coalition website is intended to serve as a centralized home for various resources related to the Trump Administration’s early actions. The site is jointly shared and contributed to by the coalition in the spirit of partnership and unity.

May 10th
Reclaiming Native Truth
Reclaiming Native Truth is a national effort to foster cultural, social and policy change by empowering Native Americans to counter discrimination, invisibility and the dominant narratives that limit Native opportunity, access to justice, health and self-determination. Reclaiming Native Truth’s goal…
Aug 31st
Native Healing Coalition Releases Interactive Digital Map with Largest Compilation of Indian Boarding Schools in U.S.
In efforts toward uncovering the truth about the historical impact of Indian boarding schools in the United States, the National Native American Boarding School Healing Coalition (NABS) has released a digital map containing a total of 523 Indian boarding schools…
Jan 13th
CDC Launches Tribal Public Health Data Site
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has launched an online Tribal Public Health Data site to assist Tribal partners and others with information and tools related to Tribal data. The site provides guidance on accessing CDC Tribal data;…
Nov 17th
“Lakota” Documentary Raises Awareness of Mental Health Issues
To help raise awareness in Tribal communities, Emmy award winning filmmaker Kyle Bell (Thlopthlocco Creek Tribal Town), in partnership with SGCETC, offers "Lakota"—a film that Tribal Nations can show to their youth and communities. The film profiles a young woman…
Dec 14th
BIA “Missing and Murdered Indigenous People” Website
Indian Affairs Tool to Bring Attention to Missing and Murdered Cases Website allows tip submissions and makes important case information easily shareable The Bureau of Indian Affairs has a website dedicated to solving missing and murdered cases in Indian Country. The tool…
May 10th
Reclaiming Native Truth
Reclaiming Native Truth is a national effort to foster cultural, social and policy change by empowering Native Americans to counter discrimination, invisibility and the dominant narratives that limit Native opportunity, access to justice, health and self-determination. Reclaiming Native Truth’s goal…
Aug 31st
Native Healing Coalition Releases Interactive Digital Map with Largest Compilation of Indian Boarding Schools in U.S.
In efforts toward uncovering the truth about the historical impact of Indian boarding schools in the United States, the National Native American Boarding School Healing Coalition (NABS) has released a digital map containing a total of 523 Indian boarding schools…